Let’s talk: Mental Well-being

The Tech and digital industry powers numerous of the most thriving sectors within the UK. These industries often prove to be fast-paced and dynamic. Since the pandemic, the work environment has now been transformed as many people are working from home. The daily workday now looks very different compared to what it was before.

Within the tech industry screen time for employees has always been relatively high. Subsequently due to lockdown, studies now show that employees’ screen time has increased significantly and the average working week has now increased by 25% for Britons working in the UK.

Bloomberg revealed that companies that have more than 10 employees have risen by a staggering 485% on Zoom and 7 in 10 people are now participating in video calls at the minimum of once every week.

Increased hours and continuously working from home can effect peoples mental health. It is stated that 30.9% of adults have said their well-being had been affected in the past seven days

“Since lockdown I’ve noticed I will spend more time working compared to when I was in the office. There are times where I find it hard to switch off and it’s so easy for me to go back to my laptop and go back to work. I think lockdown has affected many people’s mental health. I also think it is very important that we as employers, ensure employees have any help and support they need. “ – Satish Patel Business. Director at Product Safety Labs

1 in 3 adults and 1 in 4 young people do not have access to assistance. Employers need to implement ways of supporting their employees who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

At Vivo Talent Solutions, both caring and nurturing is embedded in our four core values and is of great importance for both our clients, candidates and employees. We take mental health matters seriously and have created an environment where our employees have a safe space to talk about the difficulties they face.

So how can employers help their employees with their mental health?

The first step is the most important, like Vivo Talent Solutions, employers can create a safe and comfortable environment. Having a business that has washed away the stigma of not being able to talk about these matters is key. Employers need to make themselves more approachable as this step of coming forward is often very challenging for many people.

A concept which is becoming well known is having a Wellbeing Wednesday or Wellness Wednesday’s. This is where a specific part of the day is dedicated to help manage work stress and mental health matters. Days like this are being carried out globally.

How is this possible during lockdown?
  1. Having a Wellbeing Expert or Counsellor that employees can go to. The BritishRedCross holds virtual mental health training courses that employers can take to help them spot the signs of poor mental health.

2.  A specific day of the week where no meetings are held.

3. Meditation guides on hand.

4. Create fun team activities, such as a sponsored charity walk so there is an achievable target, creating a light competition.

5. The Great British Bake Off has won the heart of the British nation. A baking competition is always greatly received (As long as it’s not banana bread).

The charity MIND; Have created a Mental Health at Work Commitment Guide for employers to aid with mental health matters within the workplace.

We live in a society where we can now talk about mental health and so we should. Mental wellbeing matters, it always has.